10 Video Game Heroes Who Became Villains In The Sequel

6. Aurelia Hammerlock - Borderlands 3

Dragon Age 2 Anders

Most characters on the cast of Borderlands undergo major changes throughout the series. Some turn from zero to heroes, some become influential leaders or have their name turned into a legend, and some, like Aurelia Hammerlock, switch allegiances and become infamous monsters.

Lady Hammerlock is the playable DLC hero from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Although most of the main characters in that game eventually turn into the villanous lap dogs of their employer, Handsome Jack, Aurelia is different in that the game alludes to her growing a conscience and eventually breaking off her involvement with Jack... Only so that she can start her own corrupt enterprise in Borderlands 3.

Yes, for all of her heroics and defiant attitude towards Jack in the Pre-Sequel, Aurelia inevitably takes a nose dive straight to her dark side, taking over the Jakobs Corporation with blackmail, assassination, and fraid, and then uses her new position as the CEO of a military corporation to aid the antagonists of the third game.

The Vault Hunters are forced to take her down in the end, which is pretty disappointing considering how much she was teased to be a better person and how, in the end, she turned out to be just another corrupt businesswoman.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.