10 Video Game Heroes Who Became Villains In The Sequel

5. Anders - Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age 2 Anders

Anders is the loveable mage companion from the Dragon Age series who became infamous due to his mind-blowing (or rather, Chantry-blowing) betrayal in Dragon Age 2.

Despite serving as a hero and a fellow Grey Warden in the first game, as well as a companion in the sequel, towards the end of Dragon Age 2, Anders becomes public enemy number one as he decides the best way to make a plea for the maltreatment of his fellow mages is... setting up bombs beneath the headquarters of the Chantry and setting them off without your knowledge.


The scale of destruction Anders brings about with the bomb and the war between the mages and the templars that ensues shortly after already makes him responsible for immeasurable crimes against the world, but another villainous aspect of his betrayal is that Anders never consults you on his plan (even if you've romanced him), and no matter what you tell him after you discover it, he always chooses to let the world burn anyway.

His goal of helping the mages is certainly noble, but his literal execution makes him an unequivocal villain.

But hey, at least he still loves his cat, right?

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.