10 Video Game Heroes Who Became Villains In The Sequel

3. Minsc - Baldur's Gate 3

Dragon Age 2 Anders

Baldur's Gate 3 has plenty of references to the old titles, including appearances from the previous cast of companions and allies. Jaheria, Sarevok, and Minsc all show up in the third act of the game, except one of them gets to play a radically different role to the one they had in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2.

Contrary to his strong moral compass and knack for heroism, Minsc, the loveably unhinged berserker from Rasheman, turns into a villain in the third installment of the series.

The shift isn't caused by a change in Minsc's character, so much as it is the result of the not-so-gentle giant becoming brainwashed by the Cult of the Absolute.

After he gets captured while trying to infiltrate the cult with Jaheria, Minsc receives the Mind Flayer parasite treatment, and the cult turns him into a confused gang leader who believes he is fighting crime while actually spreading it through the city.

Thankfully, there is a way to cure Minsc of his affliction. After you defeat him, you can use the artifact to weaken the parasite's hold on his brain and recruit him.

It really is the best course of action, considering Minsc's brain is so damaged that he can barely operate it even without a parasite.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.