10 Video Game Heroes Who Became Villains In The Sequel

4. Nameless Hero - Arcania: Gothic 4

Dragon Age 2 Anders
Spellbound Entertainment

The Nameless Hero is the protagonist of three out of the four Gothic games, and the only reason he doesn't make the fourth is because in Arcania: Gothic 4, he turns into the game's primary antagonist.

Yes, the same character that has been the beloved main character of the Gothic series for years, despite never even being given a name, undergoes an unwilling change into the main bad guy, just because the developers wanted a new protagonist.

In the events of Gothic 4, the nameless hero is crowned the new king of the realm, named Rhobar III, for saving it from peril on multiple occasions. He doesn't get to enjoy his well-deserved promotion for too long, however, as during one of his journeys across the world, he becomes possessed by the demon he banished in the first game, and the creature transforms him into a sadistic and cruel tyrant.

The new protagonsit, another nameless nobody, picks up the fight with the corrupted king after he slaughters his home village, setting forth the main storyline of Arcania.

Well, maybe King Rhobar should have never gotten a name. It seems that in the world of Gothic, only anonymous people get to play the hero.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.