10 Video Game Heroes With Surprisingly High Bodycounts

4. Corvo Attano - Dishonored

Tomb raider lara croft

Dishonored, on its release in 2012, was one of the rare examples of a game offering you freedom of choice to play how you like, and actually delivering on it. You could, if you fancied, tear through every stage, killing anyone that looks at you funny (which they will, as you're wearing a mask).

Or, you could finish the game without killing a single soul. At least, not directly.

But how does Corvo know that every single person he's subdued isn't going to die? If the player leaves someone unconscious on the road, what's to stop a plague rat having a nibble, or a whole swarm of them munching away? A guard hidden on a ledge could wake and fall.

Even his targets, that he's dispatched "non-lethally", what fate befalls them? We know Campbell becomes a plague bearer, which is as good as killing him. The Pendleton twins, or the kidnapped Boyle sister, what guarantees their safety?

Whilst Corvo aspires for "out of sight, out of mind", it seems that so does the factors of consequence for his victims.

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Tomb Raider
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.