10 Video Game Heroes With Surprisingly High Bodycounts

3. Adam Jensen - Deus Ex Human Revolution/Mankind Divided

Tomb raider lara croft

Whether you asked for it or not, when you're equipped with enough machinery to level buildings and fire ball bearings from under your coat, you have to be careful.

If you choose to play as a cyber sleuth, you can sneak by practically every potential encounter in the two most recent Deus Ex games. If push comes to shove though, you can employ a variety of long and short range, as well as melee, attacks to pacify your enemies non-lethally.

But Jensen is pooled into the same quandary as Corvo: if the player's actions leave people to an undetermined fate, what's to say that these two aren't indiscriminate killers?

It's not suggested that everyone taken out should be left in plain sight, or a safe position to recover from, but to knock someone out with those metal hands could do some lasting damage.

Thus it gives the player the choice to act how they see fit, that shapes whether Adam is a murderer or not. Is knocking someone out and hiding them in a vent an eventual premeditated murder...?

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Tomb Raider
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.