10 Video Game Inventions That Were Obviously Going To Kill You

6. Digital Neural Interface - Call Of Duty: Black Ops III

Atomic Heart

Call of Duty: Black Ops III's hugely divisive campaign is an absolutely wild ride, and an only scarcely coherent one at best, but the danger presented at the outset was nevertheless clear as day.

The game opens with the player character being mortally wounded and underdoing cybernetic surgery to save their life, resulting in a direct neural interface (DNI) being implanted into their body.

Basically, a DNI turns the user into a super-soldier who receives digital assistance during battle, and this information is also relayed system-wide across all other soldiers fitted with a DNI.

From a combat efficiency perspective the potential speaks for itself, but as we all know, even the most water-tight of tech is rarely beyond tampering.

It's eventually revealed that experiments involving the DNI led to a glitch which caused the creation of Corvus, a rogue AI that has become obsessed with controlling all DNI users in an attempt to both find its purpose and create an afterlife for humanity.

AI can be incredibly useful under certain parameters, but once you start actively integrating it with human consciousness, it's only inevitable that things get incredibly dicey.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.