10 Video Game Inventions That Were Obviously Going To Kill You

2. Robots - Atomic Heart

Atomic Heart

Atomic Heart is the only game on this list which hasn't yet come out, but from taking a quick look at its array of robotic creations, is it any surprise at all that they end up trying to kill you?

The game takes place in an alt-reality 1955 Soviet Union, where the USSR defeated Nazi Germany with robotic enhancements and has since doubled down on automation.

Robots are soon enough a fixture of everyday life, while an Internet-like network called the Collectiv links their processes together. But some of the machines end up going haywire, and it's up to the player to bring them under control.

Just look at some of the robots in this game: they simply scream "I'm going to murder you while staring blankly into your eyes." If they even have eyes, that is.

For starters there's MFU-68, the "labourer" robot that's basically just a circular saw with feet, and worst of all the VOV-A6 Lab Tech, whose soulless uncanny valley eyes and glue-on mustache only make its murderous potential that much more glaringly obvious.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.