10 Video Game Inventions That Were Obviously Going To Kill You

3. Red Markers - Dead Space

Atomic Heart

On a basic level it's at least easy to understand the methodology of reverse-engineering alien technology in an attempt to give humanity a leg-up, but in the case of Dead Space's Red Markers, calamity was merely inevitable.

In Dead Space, the Earth Government discovers an alien monolith on Earth called the Marker, and due to the massive amounts of energy it appears to emit, humanity attempts to produce their own copies of the Marker.

This results in the creation of the manmade Red Markers, which inadvertently help spread a virus-like organism that both drives people insane reanimates dead tissue into undead monsters called Necromorphs.

By the end of Dead Space 3, it's made clear that this has had a catastrophic impact on humanity as a whole.

As with Doom's Hell portal, the desperation for a new energy source is understandable, but meddling with alien technology far beyond our own understanding is just not the way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.