10 Video Game Items You Should Never Pick Up

3. The Gun - The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

Dark Pictures Anthology Little Hope
Bandai Namco Entertainment

When the unfortunate group of characters of Little Hope find themselves stranded in the titular town, it becomes apparent that something sinister is going on when they experience flashbacks to the area's witchy past and become pursued by demonic creatures.

When one of the group, Andrew, stumbles upon a gun hidden in a shack (which can only be entered after passing a QTE) during the level Off Track, players may think that taking the weapon along with them would be the smart decision to make. Having something to defend yourself against whatever supernatural monstrosities lurk in the fog can only be a good thing.

In a devious slice of misdirection, however, taking the firearm causes far more problems than it's worth.

During a later point in the game, for instance, having the gun will give Andrew the option of firing at what he thinks is a demon approaching the group. If players choose to shoot, however, they will inadvertently kill Angela, who had just made her way back after narrowly escaping death.

Having the gun in your possession at the end of the game can also result in the worst possible ending if Andrew is the only survivor left.

Next time, leave the gun alone.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.