10 Video Game Joke Characters That Are Secretly Deadly

8. Hercule - In Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO

Mr Satan
Toei Animation

Hercule Satan, also known as Mr. Satan, is an iconic character from the Dragon Ball Z anime series. He is the strongest human on Earth, which may sound like quite the feat, but in the reality of cosmic princes and super saiyans, even his strongest move can’t leave a dent on any of the other cast members.

His blatant weakness in the crazy power scaling of the show is typically played for laughs in the anime, and the same goes for his appearances in Dragon Ball fighting games.

In Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO, his character is deliberately programmed to deal minimal damage to his opponents, or even worse, no damage at all!

This obviously begs the question as to why he’s even a playable character in the first place, and the answer is honestly quite simple.

He has one of the deadliest ultimates in the game.

Since Mr. Satan can’t do anything on his own, one of his ultimate moves makes up for it by spawning Majin Buu to fight for him. If Mr. Satan survives long enough to activate it, the unexpected aid can completely wipe the floor with his opponent, taking away nearly all of their health in just a few strikes.

He might be weak, but he’s got strong connections!


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.