10 Video Game Joke Characters That Are Secretly Deadly
7. Sans - Undertale

Sans from Undertale is such a comic relief character that he is even named after one of the most comical fonts in existence, Comic Sans.
And yet, anyone who has attempted a genocide run of Undertale fears him and would do anything to not have to fight him again.
Despite never being much of a threat for most of the game, being more interested in making skeleton puns, Sans appears as the final boss of the genocide route, in which he delivers the ultimate bad time upon the player.
The fight is considered by many to be the greatest challenge the player can experience in Undertale. Sans attacks are ruthless, as he constantly barrages you with quick-moving projectiles, and he is also not above cheating to punish you for killing all of his friends.
If you manage to defeat him, you get mad bragging rights, but at the same time, new players may not be all too impressed when they hear you’ve defeated the game’s laziest and silliest jokester.
Oh, those poor innocent souls. If only they knew…