10 Video Game Joke Characters That Are Secretly Deadly
4. Jr. Troopa - Paper Mario

Jr. Troopa is a reoccurring character from Paper Mario. He is a baby Koopa who becomes obsessed with enacting his revenge on Mario after he and his party trespass on Jr. Troopa’s playground.
As you may imagine, since Jr. is a baby straight out of his shell (in fact, he still wears parts of it as armor), the first time you fight him, he feels like more of a joke than an actual opponent.
This is only the first time you fight him, however. Afterward, the little tyke turns into a paper-mache terminator.
After Jr. Troopa loses to you, he swears to grow stronger to kick your butt. And indeed, after the initial encounter, he makes several reappearances where he learns new skills and abilities until he finally becomes so strong that no other character in the game can even compare.
Yes, despite losing to you on the playground, Jr. Troopa can secretly become Paper Mario’s toughest boss fight, making you regret you’ve ever dared to humiliate him in the first place.
Really, the true joke of the game might just be you for getting owned by the same little baby you bullied off his own playground.