10 Video Game Levels That Gave You Anxiety

9. Call Of Cthulhu (2018) - The Shambler Battle

The Quarry
Focus Home Interactive

Horror games are great at creating tension, especially in their boss battles. Yet for the most part the protagonist is equipped with some means of defending themselves against whatever big nasty they face. Not in 2018's Call of Cthulhu game, however.

Edward Pierce, the unwitting investigator that gets sucked into this affair, finds himself trapped in a room with a painting of The Shambler, a fiend of Lovecraft's imagination. This being a Cthulhu game, it isn't long before said Shambler breaks free and hunts our PI down.

The solution, players are left to work out, is picking up an ornate dagger to stab the canvas with. Except you're in a room with many daggers to choose from and a monster that will one-hit kill you. The solution? Hiding, preferably in one of the conveniently placed cupboards around the place.

The catch? Pierce can and has to hold his breath when it's near, lest it hear him. But, as in real life, one can only hold their breath for so long, and Pierce will eventually give himself away.

It's nerve-wracking, choosing when to not breath and evade capture, or hold it too long, or mistime it completely and still get caught.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.