10 Video Game Levels That Gave You Anxiety

8. Heavy Rain - Finger Amputation

The Quarry
Quantic Dream

After the success, if you will, of Fahrenheit, David Cage's next project was the more grounded Heavy Rain. It didn't feature elements of the supernatural, but it did a good job of hooking players into a whodunnit affair.

It also featured several extremely tense moments. Such as, but not limited to, driving the wrong way down a highway, battling house invaders, and crawling through broken glass. Way to spice up testing a father's love, Cage.

Yet whilst the above is scary, it's nothing compared to what poor Ethan Mars has to do to please the Origami Killer for... reasons. Not content with kidnapping his son, the OK has Mars cut off of a digit or lose the breadcrumb trail to Shaun's whereabouts.

It's no simple feat, either, as players will have to use their anxiety-wracked brains to come up with the cleanest way to do so. Which is easy enough, when you're thinking rationally.

On many a first timer's attempt though, they were not, and more often saw Ethan miss the sterilising and cauterising elements, resulting in a painful-to-sit-through experience that lingers longer than it should.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.