10 Video Game Levels You KNEW Were Going To End Terribly

9. The Mines - Life Is Strange: True Colors (2021)

red dead redemption 2
Square Enix

At the start of Life Is Strange: True Colors, protagonist Alex Chen arrives in the scenic Colorado town of Haven Springs where she’ll be staying with her older brother Gabe, whom she hasn’t seen in eight years.

After Gabe shows his sister around and introduces her to the locals, including his girlfriend Charlotte and her young son Ethan, players will spend the first part of the game getting acquainted with the siblings as they indulge in some terrible dancing and have a heart-to-heart over a beer. 

However, this pleasant atmosphere doesn’t last for much longer.

Events take a more serious turn that evening when it’s discovered that Ethan has gone missing, with the siblings suspecting that he's ventured into the nearby mountains. Given this series’ reputation for tragedy, players will therefore be prepared for the worst when they eventually find a terrified Ethan at the over side of a chasm.

Just when it looks like everything will be all right after Alex rescues the child from the perilous situation, tragedy strikes when a scheduled blast (that was supposed to be postponed) causes a landslide. Gabe is subsequently struck on the head by a rock and falls into the canyon below.

Despite knowing something terrible was bound to happen, Gabe’s death was nevertheless a huge emotional blow.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.