10 Video Game Levels You KNEW Were Going To End Terribly

5. Storming Castle Shimura - Ghosts Of Tsushima (2020)

red dead redemption 2
Sucker Punch

Throughout the first part of acclaimed samurai epic Ghosts of Tsushima, Jin works tirelessly to rescue his uncle, Lord Shimura, from the clutches of the Mongol invaders after he’s captured at the start of the game.

By embracing stealthy tactics and recruiting some allies, Jin is soon reunited with their relative. However, Lord Shimura is displeased with his nephew’s guerilla fighting style, believing that it goes against the samurai way.

Despite this disagreement becoming a major source of conflict, the pair are as close as ever as they plan to take back their family's castle from the enemy, with Shimura even seeking permission to officially adopt Jin as his own son.

But everything changes during the pivotal battle when Jin goes against his uncle's explicit orders and sneaks into the castle to poison the Mongols. Knowing how much Shimura will disprove of Jin's decision, it's only a matter of time until everything goes wrong.

After Jin refuses to accept his furious uncle's final offer to renounce his identity as the Ghost, Shimura has Jin captured and burns the adoption letter as a sign of their broken relationship.

If losing his uncle was bad enough, Jin also loses his faithful horse companion in a heartbreaking scene.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.