10 Video Game Little Guys Who Had No Right To Win

1. Mario

If any character has single-handedly come to represent video games, it's easily Mario. Nintendo's flagship character has been around almost as long as gaming itself and he's easily the most recognisable character in gaming history; we'd be amazed if your grandmother couldn't identify him from the above screenshot. Mario isn't just gaming's most famous icon; he's also it's biggest underdog. After all, he's a simple plumber (when he's not a race driver, professional golf/tennis/football player or RPG star, anyway) who doesn't allow his day job to get in the way of his ability to stomp holes in the face of evil. Despite his tiny frame, he's conquered some of the biggest baddies in video gaming; his ability to swing a giant lizard king around by the tail defies all kinds of logic. Clearly being a plumber requires more superhuman strength than we thought. Thankfully, the Mushroom Kingdom has a lax attitude to drug tests as Mario clearly uses performance-enhancing drugs whenever he goes on an adventure. Without the mushroom or the fire flower (or the highly dubious star), Mario's powers would be significantly lessened. Bowser seems incapable of stopping Mario's supply though and the Koopa King will forever be doomed while Mario goes unquestioned. Questionable substance abuse aside, Mario's legacy is cemented and his role as an underdog only adds to it. Yes, he possesses Olympic-quality jumping but his stature and portly shape makes you wonder just where those legs get their spring-like ability from. Bowser should be able to roast Mario on sight; the fact that he hasn't yet suggests that the Koopas need to consider a revolution. Agree? Disagree? Can you think of any other video game 'little guys' who overcame the odds and grasped victory? Let us know in the comments below.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.