10 Video Game Mechanics EVERYONE Should Copy

9. Enemy A.I. Adaptability - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Max Payne 3

Enemy A.I. has the unique ability of utterly and completely ripping the player out of the game. You could be sneaking around, and poor A.I. results in an enemy seeing you when you were clearly hidden.

Oftentimes, when you're spotted, they will give chase for only a little while, then give up and go back to patrol. Only one game has near perfected it.

Metal Gear Solid V has, bar none, the best enemy A.I. in gaming, and this is because they adapt to the player. For example, they all communicate over radio in-game. If you take someone out and they don't respond to a radio call, the enemies will search the area to investigate what happed, then be in a permanent state of high alert.

As you play through the game's various missions, enemies will learn from you. Get too many headshots and they'll will start wearing helmets, or gas them out and they'll start wearing gas masks.

As games become bigger and more immersive, we simply can't sit on poor A.I. anymore. While a lot of recent games, like The Last of Us Part II, have adapted excellent enemy A.I., no one has truly matched the level of detail that MGSV obtained in 2015.

It honestly puts a smile on your face to see enemy A.I. this good.

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Gamer. Flim Nut. Aspiring screenwriter. Just a humble Canadian talking about the things he loves.