10 Video Game Mistakes That Came Back To Haunt You

6. Not Learning How To Parry - Dark Souls

Blair Witch
From Software

The beauty of Dark Souls is that while it might kick your a**, there are so many different techniques and builds to try to overcome the odds. Sure, you could fill up on the sturdiest armour and tank your way through encounters, but you can also prioritise spell-casting or use shortcuts and level design tricks to your advantage.

However, the title's final boss, the p**s-hard Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, has an optimum strategy that can catch you off-guard if you haven't spent much time mastering a specific mechanic. See, despite being the ultimate challenge, Gwyn goes down like a chump if you can successfully parry his attacks, leaving him open to huge amounts of damage.

The thing is, because parrying comes with so much risk (if you mistime the button press and get it wrong you're going to get hit) first-time players especially might avoid learning it entirely for safer, more defensive options.

That means that while they'll still have a chance at besting the last boss conventionally, they're going to have to re-learn this mechanic if they want a fairer fight.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3