10 Video Game Mistakes That Came Back To Haunt You

5. Using Too Many Alien Upgrades - Prey

Blair Witch
Arkane Studios

I mentioned in the introduction that some games monitor the player's actions without expressly making it clear they're doing so, only to judge them on those actions at the end of the game. Prey is the perfect example of this mischievous feature.

Throughout this title the player is expected to rid an alien infestation that's currently tearing apart a space station.To aid you on your journey, you're given the ability to upgrade the player character with different abilities, including alien-specific ones that allow you to adopt the skills of the enemy.

The game warns you about this alien tech early on - quite ingeniously through turrets recognising your DNA as "alien" should you implement too many of these upgrades - but the true consequences of altering your being are only revealed right at the end.

Because, it turns out - surprise! - you were actually an alien this whole time! Everything you played was a VR experiment to see if an alien life-form could learn to behave more human - a hypothesis which you completely shatter if you've been prioritising alien upgrades.

In turn this gives you the bad ending, leaving us wondering whether the destruction of the human race was worth it for the ability to transform into a pencil.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3