10 Video Game Mistakes That Came Back To Haunt You

2. Ageing Gracefully - Sifu

Blair Witch

Sloclap's latest tough-as-nails martial arts game Sifu is already frustrating players across the globe. At the time of writing, trophy data indicates that a mere 33% of players have managed to beat the second level - which doesn't bode well when there are five in total.

What makes the game so intense is the soft time limit above players' heads. While there's no conventional countdown, every time you die in Sifu, your character ages. You start at age 20, and unless you reset your counter through special kills, it can snowball. So, die once and you age by a year, die twice and you age two more years, die for a third time and you're adding three more years onto the previous total. Once you hit 75, you're dead for good.

This can mean that even when you do beat levels by the skin of your teeth, you might be better off restarting. That's because scraping through to the third level aged 60 is going to put you at a major disadvantage, giving you a mere 15 years to get to the end of the game, and most likely result in you going back to older levels in order to get that age down.

On top of this, throw in the ability to build your character wrong, not learning specific moves that are great for bosses (ala Dark Souls), or not spending your XP after levels and losing it when you die for good, and there are plenty of ways the game punishes you for prior mistakes.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3