10 Video Game Moments Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

8. The Penis Map - Banjo-Tooie

Candy Kong

There isn’t a whole lot to say about this one. It’s a map that looks like a penis.

That’s all, folks.

If you’re particularly prudish and feel compelled to argue it’s just a coincidence, just take a look at those little islands shooting off from the long tip. Are those little, ahem, "spurts" of land just a coincidence too? Banjo-Tooie were taking no chances that you wouldn’t notice what they were up to.

Adult Easter Eggs like this are the perfect ones for games to include. Kids simply don’t notice those images; they don’t piece them together so they’ll never ask questions. They’ll just see a funny shaped map. But adults playing (or revisiting) the game won’t be able to not see it. Genius.

Mario Kart has a slightly more subtle version of this gag too, in Double Dash then again on the Wii version. On the Peach Beach level, there’s a pink rock for you to drive under. It has a pink boulder either side of the shaft on the right, and a little bell shaped curve at the other. And it just casually flops over the track, going about its day.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)