10 Video Game Moments Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

7. Most Of The Ratchet & Clank Game's Names

Candy Kong

These ones are perhaps the most obvious, given that they’re in the titles, but they’re also pretty tame. Some of the older kids playing might have picked up on these as they’re nowhere near as subtle as some others, but those who were younger or just more naive would have seen these innuendos fly straight over their innocent little heads.

Up Your Arsenal, Going Commando, Quest For Booty, Full Frontal Assault, Size Matters and arguably A Crack In Time and Tools For Destruction all have slightly risqué names. Going Commando, one of the gentler gags there, even had it’s name changed for European release to Locked & Loaded, while Up Your Arsenal was simply renamed 3.

The jokes are right in line with Ratchet & Clank’s style of humour, but the games themselves were fuzzy, kid friendly fun. With weapons that distracted their opponents into dancing or turned them into pixelated sprites, the games definitely showcased creativity.

The only other real adult moment in the franchise comes in the second game. One of the alien women’s breasts will grow each time you jump around in front of her.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)