10 Video Game Moments Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

4. Peeping Tom - Mega Man Legends 2

Most of these entries are funny in a childish sort of way (ironic, given that most children would miss them), but this one is just a little creepy. In Mega Man Legends 2, you come to a closed door. Naturally, you venture inside.

The only problem is you Roll is in the bath next door. Though all the player sees is Mega Man enter then quickly leave, our hero definitely got an eyeful. He raises his fist triumphantly into the air, celebrating his creepy deed.

This joke originally has Mega Man blushing and apologetic, but the game makes you fully aware that Mega Man enjoyed it too. That’s Mega Man, the ten year old boy, who enjoyed watching another child naked in the bath.

Considering you see nothing, it’s certainly less crude than most entries here. However, it’s so deliberately obscene that it demands to be included. You get the impression it was made for lists like this, in which case; good job! Otherwise it was made because the devs liked the idea of their protagonist watching a little girl bathing. In which case; very, very bad job...


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)