10 Video Game Moments Where You Were Screwed Either Way

6. Mass Effect 3 - The Not So Happy Endings

mass effect 3 ending

The fact that Mass Effect 3’s endings are unpopular is not news. But it is worth dwelling on the fact that there were four endings to one of the most beloved trilogies in all of gaming and they were all pretty damn unsatisfying. Hundreds of hours of galaxy-trotting, character building, and awe-inspiring events boiled down to stumbling toward a stream of light and choosing one of three options that had little to do with the series so far but flipped the galaxy on its head.

In the end the Reaper threat could only be contained by either destroying the reapers, the catch being you also have to destroy all synthetic life in the galaxy and massively screw up the Citadel and Mass Relays--not great--or you could turn everyone in the galaxy into green-eyed human/synthetic hybrids, or you could sacrifice yourself to control the reapers. If those all sounded bad then you definitely won’t be keen for the fourth ending where you just refuse to choose, give up, and just let the Reapers win. All up, we definitely felt screwed over. At least the Legendary Edition coming this year includes the extended edition of the trilogy, now remastered, plus over 40 DLC so, look, I’m definitely going to play it again anyway.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.