10 Video Game Moments Where You Were Screwed Either Way

5. Far Cry 3 - Leave The Island Or Kill Your Girlfriend

Far Cry 3

Honestly the title of this one says it all. Far Cry games are excellent at showing the lengths people will go to when push comes to shove, and just how many shades of moral gray lie between black and white. Or maybe there’s just a bunch of shades of black when it comes to this one. Jason has a really crappy time with this ending no matter what he chooses. At this point you’ve been pretty tied up in the crazy tribe’s ongoings and the Priestess, Citra has taken a considerable liking to you.

You’ve spent the entire game doing missions for this tribe but they are still sort of murdery and nuts so when Citra kidnaps your mates and girlfriend you’re pressed into deciding to fully side with the tribe and kill your girlfriend or escape the island, resulting in Citra’s death. No matter what you choose it’s a bad time for Jason, though, as you’ll either mourn Citra to the wild confusion of your girlfriend, or get stabbed after banging Citra if you stay. That’s Far Cry for you.

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Far Cry
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.