10 Video Game Moments You Couldn't Win

8. Vile - Mega Man X (1993)

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While video game bosses tend to be some of the toughest, controller-breaking challenges that players can face, the first boss in a game is generally a far easier affair.

With players still getting familiar with how the game works, the first main boss is an appropriately straightforward encounter that's designed to make sure players have a strong enough grasp of the basics before presenting them with harder trials. One beginner boss fight where this wasn't the case, however, was Mega Man X.

During the first level players are thrust into a boss fight with an imposing robot named Vile. Regardless of how seasoned players may be with this series, this fight proves to be physically impossible to win.

With Vile equipped with an unlimited supply of both ammo and health, all players can do at this point is jump around aimlessly until the boss tears through his health. 

To add insult to this humiliating loss, Vile then taunts players before he's promptly taken out in a single hit by Zero, who then lectures the hero on how they're not powerful enough to defeat Vile yet.

Thankfully, players get to savour in a satisfying victory against this boss later in the game.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.