10 Video Game Moments You Couldn't Win

7. The Tutorial - Project Zomboid (2013)

elder brain baldurs gate
Indie Stone

A tutorial is the part of a game that teaches players the basics before throwing them into the main action. Although these parts of a game offer little challenge while newcomers become acquainted with the controls, some developers use these sections to impart harsh lessons on the player.

One game that does this is in-depth survival title Project Zomboid, which doesn’t waste any time in telling intrepid survivors how hopeless their situation is.

As soon as the tutorial begins the game displays a foreboding message informing intrepid survivors that their inevitable death will be a pointless one. If this wasn’t depressing enough of an introduction, players are then shown the ropes by having the survivor kill their zombified family members.

After players are taught how to use a shotgun the game promptly lets them know that their actions (which the game told them to do) have alerted all nearby zombies to their location.

With the game also remarking that the survivor will soon be reunited with their deceased family, the goal now is to retrieve an antidote in a nearby outhouse. However, all that players will find there is an ambush that leads to their horrible death.

This tutorial didn’t mess around.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.