10 Video Game Moments You Weren't Supposed To See

2. The Dev Room - Sports Story

doom 64
Sidebar Games

Sports Story, the recent long-awaited follow-up to 2017's acclaimed RPG Golf Story, released to wildly mixed reviews from critics and fans alike, who criticised the much-delayed sequel for its abundance of bugs, repetitive fetch quest throughline, and overall pack of polish compared to its predecessor.

Yet within a few days of the game's release, players discovered a secret room hidden within the Lens store, which housed a team of video game developers working on a fictional game called "GALF."

Speaking to the various developers reveals them to be a seriously browbeaten bunch, discussing GALF's "troubled development" while detailing a mismanaged project which became subject to numerous delays.

It doesn't take much reading between the lines to assume that this room was sneaked into the game by some disgruntled developers upset with the direction of Sports Story itself.

Within a few weeks, however, a patch was released which changed the dialogue in the "dev room" to be more "positive," albeit with the characters' tongues poking very firmly in their cheeks.

One can infer from this that the dev team may have been ordered to remove the original dialogue, and only did so in the most aggressively sarcastic manner.

Either way, it's clear that those in charge at developer Sidebar Games would've rather not had such telling content snidely included in the game.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.