10 Video Game Moments You Weren't Supposed To See

1. The Person In The Green Jacket - Resident Evil 4

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An entire 12 years after Resident Evil 4 was first released, YouTuber SR212787 discovered an out-of-bounds secret which has left the fanbase fascinatingly baffled ever since.

In Chapter 5-4, following Mike's death, players can zoom into a distant structure in the background and observe a shadowy figure which seemingly resembles a human being - though in Resident Evil, that's never an assumption worth betting the house on.

All the same, the YouTuber decided to investigate, removing the fog and taking control of the game camera to explore the far-flung area. There, they could see that the shape was a low-quality 2D sprite of a man in a green jacket.

Many understandably assumed that the unnamed individual might be a member of Capcom's dev team, though their face hasn't ever been conclusively matched to anyone.

Furthermore, nobody who worked on the game has spoken out to put fans out of their misery, leaving them to assume the person may simply be a friend of a dev team member, or perhaps even someone cribbed from a stock image website.

Sadly this quasi-Easter egg doesn't appear to have graduated into the recent ground-up remake of Resident Evil 4, though, for shame.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.