10 Video Game Movie Scenes That Actually NAILED IT

1. Cloud Vs. Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Doom movie

It's probably fair to say that no live-action film will ever be able to accurately translate the world of Final Fantasy, so it's not terribly surprising that Hollywood hasn't ever tried - all three movies to date have been computer-animated.

By far the most popular of the three films is Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, a 2005 sequel to the original video game which was widely lauded upon release for its ground-breaking visual effects - more so than its typically convoluted story.

Praise was particularly lavished upon the film's fight scenes, namely the final battle between - who else? - Cloud and his long-standing nemesis Sephiroth.

The battle enthusiastically translates the epic absurdity of any climactic Final Fantasy boss battle, and especially the thrill players themselves have felt from fighting and defeating Sephiroth himself.

It's action-packed and anime-as-hell, transforming a Final Fantasy boss battle into a glorified cutscene in the best way possible.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.