10 Video Game Movie Scenes That Actually NAILED IT

2. The FPS Scene - Doom

Doom movie

Another Dwayne Johnson-starring video game movie now, with 2005's largely forgettable big-budget Doom adaptation.

Though Doom's story has never been its selling point with most players, the distinct aesthetic and frantically violent tone were both perfectly suited to the big-screen treatment.

Again, though, the film came and went without making much of a dent, except for a single scene which alone justifies its existence - that glorious first-person set-piece.

Late in the film, protagonist John "Reaper" Grimm (Karl Urban) is injected with an experimental serum to save his life, which also grants him superhuman abilities to thoroughly waste the monstrous creatures roaming the UAC research facility.

The near-five-minute sequence takes place entirely from Grimm's own perspective as he shoots his way through infected humans and mutated creatures alike, even eventually battling the iconic Pinky enemy from the video games.

Though the scene's presentation is undeniably jarring compared to the rest of the movie, it's also the only piece of artful filmmaking in the entire picture, and nails the chaotic, pulse-racing vibe of the games brilliantly.

Unsurprisingly, the scene was a technical nightmare to pull off, requiring three months of preparation and taking an entire two weeks to shoot.

Considering it's the only thing people remember about the movie, let alone praise, it was certainly well worth the effort.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.