10 Video Game Movie Scenes That Actually NAILED IT

3. George Vs. Ralph Vs. Lizzie - Rampage

Doom movie
Warner Bros.

The Rampage movie had something of an advantage over most other video game adaptations because the games didn't really have much of a story to begin with.

And so, the filmmakers were free to conjure up whatever nonsense they wanted to facilitate the inevitable Battle Royale between a trio of gigantic, genetically mutated CGI animals.

It may be dumb as a box of rocks, but the Dwayne Johnson-starring tentpole certainly delivers all the big-budget mayhem and massive collateral damage you'd hope for from a movie based on Midway's city destruction simulator.

The climax sees primatologist Davis Okoye's (Dwayne Johnson) oversized gorilla pal George taking part in a triple threat grudge match against his fellow mutated animals Ralph (a wolf) and Lizzie (a crocodile).

To call the ensuing fight "bats**t" would be quite the understatement: it delivers pretty much everything you could possibly want from the setup, with all three animals causing their fair share of human death and destruction while wailing away on one another.

A giant crocodile rips a giant wolf's head off and then a giant gorilla impales the crocodile through the skull - what more could you ask for?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.