10 Video Game Multiplayer Modes That Let You Break Everything

8. Super Mario Maker - Who The Heck Designed These Levels?

dark souls 3 multiplayer

Super Mario, you might think, is one of the most charming, innocent and family friendly franchises in gaming. It’s Nintendo’s main man, after all.

In reality, Mario games can be a real nightmare when it comes to multiplayer modes. With that in mind, the first we’re going to take a look at is the relatively new Mario Maker series.

In these Wii U and Nintendo Switch outings, the player is given an intuitive set of tools, a simple interface and free rein to make their own levels. Needless to say, the resulting stages have been a mixed bag.

Some have created elaborate themed levels, designed to resemble Zelda dungeons and the like. Accessible as the level creation options are, a lot of very impressive things can be done with them.

Sadly, sneakiness, sadism and general cruelty is rife here too. Many levels are designed to be as devious as possible, with low completion rates being considered a point of pride among creators.

With more bottomless pits and infuriating enemy spawns than a Mega Man game, a think tank of diabolical Bond villains couldn’t have come up with some of these levels.

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