10 Video Game NPCs Who Got The Worst Deaths

8. Kelly Chambers Is Dissolved Into Organic Paste - Mass Effect 2

max payne 3

Fan favourite Mass Effect character Kelly Chambers can die in a horrifyingly grotesque manner that feels almost inversely proportional to how likeable she is.

Though her demise in Mass Effect 2 is thankfully optional and she can live to re-appear in the third game, Commander Shepard's potential love interest can also bite it in truly revolting fashion.

After the Normandy's crew is abducted by the Collectors, depending on the player's choices they'll end up finding Kelly just a little too late.

She's contained within a pod which moments later begins dissolving her into an organic paste that's used to create the Human-Reaper monstrosity featured at the end of the game.

Few details are spared as players are forced to watch a visibly terrified Kelly wake up to see her own flesh melting off her body, screaming as he breaks down into a molten, fleshy sludge.

Kelly's ultimately just one of several crew members who dies this way, but considering how eagerly BioWare lingers on her suffering, they clearly knew it would get a rise out of fans who cared about her.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.