10 Video Game NPCs Who Got The Worst Deaths

9. Adam Shepherd Is Cut In Half By Pyramid Head - Silent Hill: Homecoming

max payne 3

The Silent Hill series has never shied away from brutal, nauseatingly violent death scenes, and Silent Hill: Homecoming may well boast the most stomach-churning(ly awesome) of the lot.

Mid-way through the game protagonist Alex Shepherd discovers his father Adam tied up, and a few moments later Adam finds himself being forcefully shoved off his mortal coil.

Adam reveals to an incredulous Alex that he isn't in fact a soldier but has actually been living through a series of delusions while residing in a mental hospital.

Their chit-chat is soon enough interrupted, however, by the arrival of "The Bogeyman" - that is, franchise icon Pyramid Head - who suddenly cleaves Adam in two with his gigantic sword, all while his son helplessly watches in horror.

Cue the money shot of Pyramid Head triumphantly sauntering off while Alex stares at his father's split-in-twain remains, each side still limply hanging from its ties.

Being ganked by a horde of monstrous nurses in the Silent Hill games is pretty traumatic, but nothing quite tops Pyramid Head bisecting a guy clean in two.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.