10 Video Game NPCs Whose Lives You RUINED

7. Conrad Verner - Mass Effect

Animal Crossing New Horizons

Unsurprisingly, when you get a reputation for saving the galaxy and those dealt unfair hands within it, you also start to develop a bit of a fanbase.

This is shown best in the first game, where you gain a particularly awkward and particularly passionate fanboy, Conrad Verner. Your interactions with him are a little weird, sure, but it's generally nice to see that some people really appreciate the work you're doing.

At least, that's generally people's reaction. If you've built up enough hatred for him - or if he reminds you a little too much of the irritating Adoring Fan you get in Oblivion - you can choose to just ruin his life a little.

When Verner asks to join the Spectres, you have two main options; convincing him to go home to his wife and forget about it, or intimidating him into pissing his pants with fear at you and your life.

The second is especially cruel, as it's clear that Conrad only wants to help people and do what his hero does - and for that crime, you point a gun at his head and tell him he's human garbage. Plus, either way he still goes on to try and stop space crime, so there's nothing gained by being so cruel to him.

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