10 Video Game NPCs You Should NEVER Kill

6. The Rachni Queen - Mass Effect

Bioshock Little Sister

In the original Mass Effect, the player comes across a giant alien spider called the Rachni Queen. A feared species yes, but this particular creature is alone and afraid and it's up to Commander Shepherd to decide to kill or spare it.

Because of the ability to carry your save and thus your choices along from game-to-game, the Rachni Queen was able to make appearances in both ME2 and 3, provided you didn't drown her in acid. In fact, she remembers the fact you saved her life very well. When encountering her in Mass Effect 3, you have the choice to again free her from Reaper control (who have been using her body to create soldiers) or abandon her to her death.

Simply, if you save her here then she and her children will be added to the war effort at the end of the game.

If you don't save the Rachni Queen in the original Mass Effect, in her place in the threequel is a Reaper-created clone. Saving this cross-species monster not only doesn't add to your war assets but actively hurts it as a future report details it attacking the Alliance Engineering Corps.

And so, it all comes back to this one decision you made two games ago. Do not kill the space-spider, no matter how bad your space-arachnophobia.

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.