10 Video Game Objectives That Totally Trolled Players

9. Investigate The Voice - Until Dawn

until dawn
Supermassive Games

Until Dawn is a lovingly self-aware homage to the horror genre, and one which often toys with players' expectations to that effect.

However, those who believed they'd outsmarted the game while playing as Ashley sure ended up with a nasty - and fatal! - surprise.

In chapter nine while Ashley is exploring the underground passageway, players are given two options - investigate the faint voice of what sounds like a terrified woman in the distance, or rejoin her group.

The "smart" option, to rejoin the group, just seems too obvious to be true, like the game is setting players up for an easy death.

Hilariously, though, players who opt to investigate the voice and follow this line of inquiry to its conclusion will end up attacked by a Wendigo, which will leap out of a trap door and rip Ashley's head clean from her body.

In a way this is the beauty of Until Dawn - it's so wrapped up in horror tropes that you can't ever be 100% sure whether it's about to earnestly indulge a cliche or actually subvert it. If you thought you were being slick here, though, the game had your number.

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Until Dawn
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.