10 Video Game Pause Screen Secrets You Totally Missed

1. The Creepy Michael Cutscenes - Faith: The Unholy Trinity

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions Deadpool.jpg
Airdorf Games

Much like SCP - Containment Breach, indie horror game Faith: The Unholy Trinity weaponises the player's own belief in the pause screen's safety, using it to deliver one majorly pant-filling jump scare.

When being chased through the woods by Michael - aka the Chupacabra - you might be tempted to smash the pause button to regain your composure and prepare for what's coming.

But if you do indeed pause while Michael is on the screen, you'll instead be bombarded with a series of horrifying animated cutscenes featuring Michael and his terrifying red eyes, accompanied by extremely unpleasant, discordant drone music.

If you're not the anxious type while playing horror games you probably missed this, but if not, it likely only heightened the discomforting suspense.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.