10 Video Game Pause Screen Secrets You Totally Missed

6. Wario Apologises For Mocking You - Wario World

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The only way you could realistically stumble upon this Wario World secret yourself is by being distracted from the game for almost an entire hour.

The game's infuriating pause screen music is a deranged loop of Wario taunting the player, yet those who actually dare to subject themselves to 50 minutes of this nonsense - or, for their sanity, just skip to the end on YouTube - will be gifted a sheepish "Sorry" from Wario himself for their patience.

Only the hardiest among us have the mental fortitude to sit through 50 minutes of Wario trolling the player, so unsurprisingly this secret has largely flown under the radar.

That the apology is so fleeting and unenthusiastic only makes it that much more hilarious and peculiar.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.