10 Video Game Pause Screen Secrets You Totally Missed

5. The Battletoads Pause Music - Shovel Knight

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions Deadpool.jpg
Yacht Club Games

The Xbox and PC versions of Shovel Knight feature an exclusive boss battle against Rash, Zitz and Pimple, the iconic protagonists of the 1991 Rare classic Battletoads.

The encounters are basically designed to ape Battletoads' gameplay, aesthetic, and sound, but if you never needed to once use the pause menu during this sequence, you'd have missed out on a fantastic Easter egg.

Though the game otherwise features no pause music whatsoever, for the entirety of this fight it's scored by the distinctive, pulsing pause screen music from Battletoads itself.

You obviously need a familiarity with the original game to figure this out, but even then, it's easily missed if you simply don't need to use the pause button at this time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.