10 Video Game Plot Holes You Can't Ignore
3. Resident Evil 7 - The Happy Birthday Video
The fact that Resident Evil is on this list twice could suggest the whole series is filled with wild plotholes. I mean, it is, of course, but RE7: Biohazard was otherwise the pinnacle of fixing a franchise that had, honestly, fallen apart.
There was a section of the game where the protagonist, Ethan, winds up in what one of the antagonists, Lucas, refers to as his 'party room'.
This section is generally referred to as the Happy Birthday Puzzle. There, Ethan finds a video tape that details how to disable several of the traps and alerts him to the fact the cake explodes.
So... why does he just stand there in the cake's blast radius and appears to be totally surprised by its explosion? I'd like to think if I really found a video tape warning me something was going to explode, I wouldn't just stare at it and then go "Woah, an explosion! Who'd a thunk that was gonna happen?"
But Ethan, regardless of your actions as the player, does just that. Happy Birthday indeed, idiot.