10 Video Game Plot Twists That Punished Loyal Fans

3. Scott Shelby Is The Origami Killer - Heavy Rain

Heavy rain
Quantic Dream

It's your boy David Cage once again, getting the nod for actually recovering quite a lot of footing after Fahrenheit's kung-fu filled madness - only to fall down when he decided to label one of the main characters as the killer.

Since the beginning of the game we'd been playing as Scott Shelby, a private detective summonsed to talk to the other Origami Killer's victims' families, piecing the various chunks of evidence together as he goes.

Though... that falls the f**k apart when it's revealed he is the Killer, meaning all those scenes where he was thinking aloud alone as to what to do next... he already knew, and all the thoughts we had access to when it came to deducing things in his own mind somehow clouded the reality that he was chasing his own tail.

All a bit random for the sake of a 'shock reveal' there, Cagey.

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