10 Video Game Plot Twists That Were OBVIOUS (If You Really Looked)

7. Would You Kindly? - BioShock

Red Dead Redemption 2
2K Games

BioShock is a game full of plot twists and shocking revelations. The most interesting one of them is the fact that the player's character, Jack, is a sleeper agent working for a criminal mastermind named Frank Fontaine.

The plot twist is revealed towards the end of the game, but the player can connect the dots way earlier, as BioShock's creators hint at this in a pretty clever manner.

Jack's activation phrase that makes him do Frank's bidding is "would you kindly." It appears at different points in the game, and at first you might think its use is all random, but in reality, there's a clear pattern. The phrase is only used during moments when you, as the player, have little to no choice about how you can proceed. The progression is linear because Jack's trigger doesn't allow him to do anything that isn't Frank Fontaine's command.

This is a really smart way of utilizing level design in storytelling. It foreshadows the plot twist with Jack's conditioning without ever having to mention it directly.

So game developers, would you kindly use this type of narration more often?


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.