10 Video Game Plot Twists That Were OBVIOUS (If You Really Looked)

5. Moon Ending - Portal 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

Portal games love their secrets and hints. Well, foreshadowy types of hints. You're still on your own, solving those puzzles.

The greatest twist in the sequel happens during the final stage, where the player needs to defeat Wheatley by creating a portal on the surface of the moon that sucks the lovingly maniacal core right into the empty void of space.

The moon's role in the final battle is foreshadowed earlier in the game, when Aperture Science's CEO, Cave Johnson, reveals that the white walls used in the portal gun testing are made out of moon rocks. However, there is also an even earlier reference to the moon that only the most observant players can find.

Inside the dens of Portal's mysterious Rattman, there are several drawings of the moon during its different stages. The full moon is always highlighted in some way, and although you could write this off as just another work of Rattman's insanity, its constant appearance clearly sends a message that it's going to play an important role.

Some have even theorized that Rattman purposefully made Chell wake up during a full moon to give her an upper hand when fighting GLaDOS.

Too bad his plan was wasted on Wheatley instead...


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.