10 Video Game Plot Twists That Were Profoundly Insulting

1. No Matter What You Pick, Everything Sucks - Mass Effect 3

mass effect 3 synthesis

Arguably the biggest and most insulting of all the twists in gaming history, the revelation that Commander Shepard would have to kill himself to save the galaxy wasn't outside the realm of possibility - but the reasons why this had to happen? They were straight-up bullsh*t.

Any who played through the franchise can attest to the stupidity of the Starchild: a new "character" telling of how the Reapers were actually an ancient A.I.-type force designed to be an intergalactic reset button, brought about by the "inevitability" of synthetic and biotic life never truly getting along.

Besides the fact you could literally proved this wrong by having the Quarians make peace with their Geth underlings, Mass Effect 3's ending felt like one of the most manufactured wannabe-epic conclusions in entertainment history.

Turns out, that was almost entirely the case. Behind the scenes, Bioware weren't having the best time settling on how to wrap Mass Effect up, and lead writer Mac Walters (who replaced Mass Effect 1 and 2 head scribe Drew Karpyshyn) "scribbled down some thoughts on various ways the game could end" in late 2011 - only months before shipping.

This "study the night before the finals" mentality highlighted a team running out of time, and whether a release date had to be hit because of EA or not, Mass Effect 3's ending remains the most notable dud in all of gaming.


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