10 Video Game Pre Orders That Were Actually Awesome

2. Catherine

Catherine Pre Order Love Pillow

The team behind dungeon crawler/dating sim Persona took a break from social links and teen angst in 2011 to deliver Catherine, a twisted tale of flings and flirting, as protagonist Vincent navigates the dangerous waters of having an affair.

Catherine's narrative, not unlike the Persona series, does a wonderful job of fusing the relatively normal with a pinch of the supernatural, and its provocative tone elicited a puzzled yet intrigued response from gamers that decided to give the title a shot.

Atlus rewarded those who eagerly preordered the 'Love is Over' edition with a smattering of goodies that serve to better make sense of the story they were about to undertake.

Such items included a 36-page art book, the soundtrack on CD, a fetching pair of polka dot boxer shorts and a pillow with one of the game's romance options pressed onto the front. The offerings were vast but their usefulness was limited. However, every item presented fit both the narrative and the tone of the game perfectly.

Catherine is rated M for Mature, so sensible gamers that abide by the law need not worry about any puzzling looks from parents when they clutch onto their new Catherine pillow. Quite the result.

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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.