10 Video Game Protagonists Who Were Way Too Satisfying To Kill

8. Yourself - Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4 is a ridiculously entertaining multiplayer game (when it actually works), but every so often it's fun to take a break from all that hard work and levelling up and just goof around with some vehicular mayhem. Due to the sheer number of toys you're outfitted with in this game, there are a ludicrous number of ways to take yourself out in spectacular and bombastic fashion, most of the time involving flying vehicles. A personal favourite has to be the kamikaze attack, in which you simply fly your plane or helicopter into a crowded area, taking down as many of the opposite team as possible in a beautiful, destructive fireball. Then there's the mid-air kamikaze attack: if there's an intense dogfight taking place in the sky, it's tremendously satisfying to simply fly your plane into an enemy plane, causing you both to explode in the sky. Sure, you could try bailing out at the last minute, but there's no glory in cowardice. The learning curve to flying planes in the Battlefield series is pretty high, but it's worth it solely for the high-speed suicidal powers it grants you.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.